One off Tuition investment of $4,697 AUD (GST inclusive)

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IMPORTANT: Make sure you click "Subscribe to our email list" so we can send you your course materials!

One Course - Two Certifications

"Turning Ordinary people into Extraordinary Practitioners"

Start YOUR journey today. Be the person you want to BE.  Create that lifestyle that YOU want. Do something that you LOVE!!


What can I expect to get from this course?

Freaking EXCITED creating your amazing life on YOUR terms!!!

Train in a rewarding career where you can:

  • Choose the freedom to work from home or while travelling the world
  • Work your own hours - it's completely your choice!
  • Get very well paid (I currently charge $200 per hour) 
  • Create a totally abundant lifestyle that suits you, your family and the lifestyle YOU want!!

Immerse yourself in a environment where people "get you" and support your passion to fulfil your DREAMS.

Challenge yourself to be your best, so you can have your best life - ever!

Surround yourself with people who are on a similar path to you, who want more and know they can have more.

To grow wildly in confidence of what you can achieve, to feel excited as your competence grows and you just KNOW you've got what it takes!

What does the training include?

  • Advanced Certification in Clinical EFT Level 1 & 2 training
  • Advanced Certification as a Life Coach
  • Instruction in Advanced EFT Techniques
  • In-depth Life Coaching training, skills and tools
  • Personal development training program to help grow YOU
  • Bespoke Marketing & Business program so you graduate ready to create the business YOU want!
  • **NEW** A comprehensive one-on-one private Mentoring program to help you clear your own blocks, and develop your skills even further
  • and more.....

How does it all work?

  • Training delivered by our CEO, not a delegate.
  • Up to 12 months to graduate, but you can do it faster.
  • All course content is available 24/7. You choose the device, you choose the location!
  • 100+ hours of library content for you to explore, even after your graduate.
  • LIVE Monthly group coaching calls and Group Tapping calls with a new topic every month.
  • Dedicated Beginner Live coach training calls to make sure you get all the foundations right.
  • Access to our private online community.

Note: This is a 12 month certification course. Upon Graduation you will be issued with certifications in both Life Coaching and Emotional Freedom Techniques. 

If you are unsure whether this is the course for you, please contact our Support Team prior to enrolling on 1800Tapping (827746) Freecall within Australia or +61 1800 827746 for outside Australia (international call charges may apply). Alternatively at [email protected]

We will be happy to answer any of your questions!

P.S. REMEMBER: Make sure you click "Subscribe to our email list" so we can send you your course materials without issues!


What People Are Saying:

This course is exactly what I have been looking for. I’m absolutely loving the content of this amazing course and I am so excited to be part of this learning platform with yourself and the other students.  This course is exactly what I have been looking for to extend my knowledge and experience.  Thank you again so much for being so supportive and engaging!  I really appreciate it and I’m excited each day to listen to another (sometimes more) replay of the past group tapping calls and the live coaching calls. They have been a valuable addition to my growth both personally and professionally.

Alesia, Practitioner graduate

The live group calls each month are a fantastic opportunity to connect face to face with other students. Lorna's genuine passion is palpable and I knew I would be supported in my learning journey. The information within the course is well structured, easy to navigate and very digestible.  For me, the live zoom group calls each month are a fantastic opportunity to connect face to face with other students and this just adds to the tangible sense of belonging to our ATI tribe. How I see myself and others has completely changed for the better.

Sue Weeks, Graduate

"I'm thoroughly enjoying my EFT Practitioner and Life Coach course. Lorna’s passion and knowledge is incredible! She is an amazing teacher, mentor and friend, I’m thoroughly enjoying my training with the Australian Tapping Institute.

Marie Copp, Practitioner graduate

My training with ATI was out of this world! I knew as soon as I saw ATI’s EFT training it was what I was meant to do and I was truly blown away what I came away learning and discovering. I learnt so much that I walked away feeling confident to use tapping for my clients.  Now I am back home in England I am know as “the tapping girl” and I now coach women worldwide to create shifts in their life with EFT."

Alix Jones, Graduate,

I have been going through my notes to get a sense of how far I’ve come since I’ve started with ATI. Turns out it was a great idea, as I am amazed at the things I thought were big issues only 7 months ago and they don’t even rate any more! This course is empowering. It is tough, emotional, challenging but so, so worth it. Everyone here is so supportive and encouraging, the people have become my family. Do yourself a favour, enrol at this school, Hope to see you soon,

Irene, Practitioner graduate